@amandadevil video #7187798813241789739


Video ID: 7187798813241789739

Description: The irony in people commenting ā€œconsumer cultureā€ on my videos is by commenting you are admitting that you are engaging in a non physical version of consumer culture by consuming my virtual content. The price you pay is your time. Technically this does not make sense and I made that all up, or maybe I lied about the concept of consumer culture theory and you believed a random stranger online because you are not actually as well versed as you think hahahah ahahhahaha. Jk.

This TikTok video was viewed by 200900 TikTok users. @amandadevil knows how to catch the audience

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This page provides video identified by number 7187798813241789739 and created by TikTok user @amandadevil

Nobody knows why AmandašŸ«§ @amandadevil added such hashtags/keywords as:

AmandašŸ«§ used 480 symbols for the video description, yeah you can count on your own: The irony in people commenting ā€œconsumer cultureā€ on my videos is by commenting you are admitting that you are engaging in a non physical version of consumer culture by consuming my virtual content. The price you pay is your time. Technically this does not make sense and I made that all up, or maybe I lied about the concept of consumer culture theory and you believed a random stranger online because you are not actually as well versed as you think hahahah ahahhahaha. Jk.

AmandašŸ«§ used - as soundtrack for this TikTok video. It was super famous track... maybe

Original url of this video is: https://www.tiktok.com/@amandadevil/video/7187798813241789739?is_from_webapp=1

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