@finehomebuilding video #6946669338296372486

Fine Homebuilding

Video ID: 6946669338296372486

Description: Use this reader-submit a tip to safely align your drill with an existing hole that’s larger than the pilot bit on your hole saw

Used hashtags: #tooltip #build

Wow, this video literally exploded TikTok - @finehomebuilding gained 946.3K views

This page provides video identified by number 6946669338296372486 and created by TikTok user @finehomebuilding

Nobody knows why Fine Homebuilding @finehomebuilding added such hashtags/keywords as: #tooltip #build

Fine Homebuilding used 132 symbols for the video description, yeah you can count on your own: Use this reader-submit a tip to safely align your drill with an existing hole that’s larger than the pilot bit on your hole saw

Fine Homebuilding didn't use any music for that TikTok

Original url of this video is: https://www.tiktok.com/@finehomebuilding/video/6946669338296372486

This video was already viewed 27 times on the TikTokDer