@mccoolmichelle video #6880214028690492677

Michelle McCool

Video ID: 6880214028690492677

Description: Hey @undertaker ....remember how you thought it’d be funny to throw ice on me while I was pressure washing?!?! Bad move kid.....bad move!!!

This TikTok created by @mccoolmichelle was not succeed, it reached just 7109 views

This page provides video identified by number 6880214028690492677 and created by TikTok user @mccoolmichelle

Nobody knows why Michelle McCool @mccoolmichelle added such hashtags/keywords as:

Michelle McCool used 141 symbols for the video description, yeah you can count on your own: Hey @undertaker ....remember how you thought it’d be funny to throw ice on me while I was pressure washing?!?! Bad move kid.....bad move!!!

Michelle McCool didn't use any music for that TikTok

Original url of this video is: https://m.tiktok.com/v/6880214028690492677.html?_d=secCgsIARCbDRgBIAIoARI+CjzXlzfd34DplaFuPyD3FrVWW9FDZzwI+0p/wtLBz8gBxqhRvPtwHb08wRhaqv2b2AvVhMIcUZmSza+jP0AaAA==

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