@psycheswings video #7201643657634614570

psyche(‘s wings)

Video ID: 7201643657634614570

Description: this is called actor-observer bias, which is very similar to the fundamental attribution error (the tendency to overestimate internal factors and underestimate situational factors to explain others’ behavior.) RESEARCH HAD FOUND THAT PEOPLE PRONE TO THIS TYPE OF THINKING ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE RÆCIST, likely because they’re more likely to ignore systemic factors that create inequality. the same could theoretically hold for fatphobia, aporophobia (prejudice towards poor people) etc. #fyp #educational #psychology #psychologyfacts #racism #blackhistorymonth #fundamentalattributionerror #research #learnontiktok

Used hashtags: #fyp #educational #psychology #psychologyfacts #racism #blackhistorymonth #fundamentalattributionerror #research #learnontiktok

This TikTok video was viewed by 78100 TikTok users. @psycheswings knows how to catch the audience

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This page provides video identified by number 7201643657634614570 and created by TikTok user @psycheswings

Nobody knows why psyche(‘s wings) @psycheswings added such hashtags/keywords as: #fyp #educational #psychology #psychologyfacts #racism #blackhistorymonth #fundamentalattributionerror #research #learnontiktok

psyche(‘s wings) used 627 symbols for the video description, yeah you can count on your own: this is called actor-observer bias, which is very similar to the fundamental attribution error (the tendency to overestimate internal factors and underestimate situational factors to explain others’ behavior.) RESEARCH HAD FOUND THAT PEOPLE PRONE TO THIS TYPE OF THINKING ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE RÆCIST, likely because they’re more likely to ignore systemic factors that create inequality. the same could theoretically hold for fatphobia, aporophobia (prejudice towards poor people) etc. #fyp #educational #psychology #psychologyfacts #racism #blackhistorymonth #fundamentalattributionerror #research #learnontiktok

psyche(‘s wings) used - as soundtrack for this TikTok video. It was super famous track... maybe

Original url of this video is: https://www.tiktok.com/@psycheswings/video/7201643657634614570

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