@sarantosfitness video #7167215585443695918

Paul Sarantos

Video ID: 7167215585443695918

Description: Didn’t have time for a full workout today. Oh well… 10 minutes is better than nothing! You don’t have to get sweaty or burn a bunch of calories to have an effective workout. Just get your muscles under some tension and move them thru their range of motion. This will keep you in muscle building / preservation mode and out of body fat building / preservation mode. Anything is better than nothing. #p #pecsp #pecbounceg #garagegymf #fitdadbeard #sarantosfitness

Used hashtags: #p#pecsp#pecbounceg#garagegymf#fitdadbeard #sarantosfitness

This TikTok created by @sarantosfitness was not succeed, it reached just 3382 views

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This page provides video identified by number 7167215585443695918 and created by TikTok user @sarantosfitness

Nobody knows why Paul Sarantos @sarantosfitness added such hashtags/keywords as: #p#pecsp#pecbounceg#garagegymf#fitdadbeard #sarantosfitness

Paul Sarantos used 474 symbols for the video description, yeah you can count on your own: Didn’t have time for a full workout today. Oh well… 10 minutes is better than nothing! You don’t have to get sweaty or burn a bunch of calories to have an effective workout. Just get your muscles under some tension and move them thru their range of motion. This will keep you in muscle building / preservation mode and out of body fat building / preservation mode. Anything is better than nothing. #p #pecsp #pecbounceg #garagegymf #fitdadbeard #sarantosfitness

Paul Sarantos used - as soundtrack for this TikTok video. It was super famous track... maybe

Original url of this video is: https://www.tiktok.com/@sarantosfitness/video/7167215585443695918?is_copy_url=1

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