@xxjocelincolungaxx video #6992470455856729350

M o c h ii _Bear

Video ID: 6992470455856729350

Description: 𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @helloisjustin! Also, I made this very late, 2am, so I tried my best for it to look decent, without taking so much time on it.

This TikTok created by @xxjocelincolungaxx was not succeed, it reached just 68 views

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This page provides video identified by number 6992470455856729350 and created by TikTok user @xxjocelincolungaxx

Nobody knows why M o c h ii _Bear @xxjocelincolungaxx added such hashtags/keywords as:

M o c h ii _Bear used 156 symbols for the video description, yeah you can count on your own: 𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @helloisjustin! Also, I made this very late, 2am, so I tried my best for it to look decent, without taking so much time on it.

M o c h ii _Bear used M o c h ii _Bear - original sound as soundtrack for this TikTok video. It was super famous track... maybe

Original url of this video is: https://www.tiktok.com/@xxjocelincolungaxx/video/6992470455856729350

This video was already viewed 16 times on the TikTokDer